Welcome to the world of the Internet! Now the world is totally different and it is nothing like before. People found telephone, calculator, computer, and Internet, but what about the people who have no benefits of the Internet? This question is very important for humans and they have to think about it, because some people don’t have access to the Internet. I chose this topic, because I really want to know about the Internet world and its people. There are people who are using the Internet and people who are unable to use the Internet. How do people face life without the Internet? In this advanced world how many people are in the dark and how many are in the light? How is the Internet beneficial for people and their communication? However, in some parts of world, accessing computer is neither limited nor even available. This is the main problem that people are facing right now. People could have solutions to fight this problem. According to the article, “Get online and surf the web for free!” (n.d.), in BBC News, most places offer free internet access in some area. This solution could work in a positive way. For example, some people don’t have money or sources to get the knowledge of the Internet and that’s the big problem. Giving free access to the poor people is trying to close the gap between the poor and rich. Poor people have the chance to get knowledge of the Internet. Poor people don’t have money to get the knowledge about the Internet, so it will also help the poor people. Moreover, the increases in the size of the Internet are also a challenge for people and some corporations; if they work together and come up with new ideas, the world can solve the problem of limited access to the Internet.
People could develop their ideas, views and fundamental beliefs with the help of the Internet. First, some organizations should provide free or cheap computers in the rural areas, because they don’t even have enough money to buy computers. Second, some corporations should provide free Internet access to children or students. Finally, municipalities should provide mobile computing Internet accessibility in their towns. They should provide some free cyber cafe so people that don’t have computers can use them. In addition, the municipal commissioner, some private companies, and people could manage this planning, so they can make better decisions.
Firstly, some organizations should provide free or cheap computers in the rural areas, because they don’t even have enough money to buy computers. Imagine; if people don't have money to eat in a day, how can they buy computers? The question is, why just provide only laptops or computers? Because people can find a way to buy food, clothes, and groceries, but may be be they are not able to buy costly laptops or computers; if some organizations provide cheap or free laptops, they can have a chance to get these benefits. This is a big problem people are facing in rural areas; people don’t have enough money, so children can’t get a good education or better knowledge related to their study. The problem is they just stayed beside other people. Some Organizations should provide free or cheap laptops to the people who have this problem. For instance, according to the article, ”one learning child, one connected child, one laptop at a time” they are trying to provide a $100 laptop for every school-age child to make education better. People who can afford a few laptops should donate a few laptops to the poor. One person could encourage other people to donate and they could solve the problem. Moreover, organizations should give some attractive offers to the donators, so they can attract them and come out to donate laptops. For example, organizations should advertise on television, on radio, on the Internet and in the newspaper, so people who are not aware of this organization have a chance to know and people might be attracted to the organization and they donate might some laptops. Just one person’s involvement could change the view of society.
Secondly, some corporations should provide free Internet access to the children or students. This could change the world’s perceptions. Some cell phone companies, government phone companies, and cable operators should provide free or cheap Internet access service to the students or children. For example, in India one of the government phone company is providing broadband at a very cheap rate, so people can connect to the Internet very easily and cheaply, so that they can afford money to access the Internet. Furthermore, some companies should introduce some discounts to get new connections. Discounts always attract customers. For illustration, companies should give them double offers; if people get the one connection of the Internet they will get another for free. This scheme might work with neighbors, friends, and family. In addition, companies should deal with the schools, such as free one month Internet access or 50% discount and maybe students will get the benefits with these kinds of deals, because more schools could get connections to the Internet. In addition, government could become involved or provide some free Internet connection to the school. For example, for students in CESL, who are from Saudi Arabia, the government pay their fees and government also give them salary for their expanses, so they can study well. This fundamental plan also could be used to provide the Internet to students, so students can learn more things from the Internet. People could have the chance to get through to the Internet at a much cheaper price.
Finally, municipalities should provide mobile computing Internet accessibility in their towns. Municipalities are also a part of the government. They have similar authorities as the government. Sometimes the government can’t reach everywhere, so municipalities should take care of people and their needs. They should provide some free cyber café, so people that don’t have computers can use them. According to the article “South Africa’s Internet generation” (2001), “our target groups are those kids who grow up hearing about the Internet who can’t get access to it” (para. 6). The South African government is trying to provide some cyber café in some areas. Moreover, sometimes the government can avoid peoples’ opinion or suggestions. A municipality is also part of the government and they also can make some decisions for their residents. For example, at election time some ministers come to the public to ask for votes.
People are always smart and they know how to take advantage of the opportunity. People should talk to the municipal commissioner, and to the town’s ministers about to providing access to the Internet and building some new cyber café. People might get some cyber café and access to the Internet.
Some people argue children could have a bad effect because of the Internet, so they can go in the wrong direction and they can go against their parents. However, this is wrong, because every coin has two sides. Parents should be careful and they should take care of their children, because that's their responsibility. For example, parents should disconnect the Internet service while they are going to work, so children could not browse some bad things on the Internet. Parents should teach good things and manners to their children. Parents should teach them how to make good friends and teach them the importance of good friends, because peers are the major factor to put them into a trouble. If they have bad friends, then they will choose a bad direction, so choosing the right friends for them is the best way to keep eyes on your children. Parents should have control of their children in their absence. Some of children can’t listen to what the parents are saying and they just avoid them, so parents should be strict sometimes. This might be a safer way for the parents.
In conclusion, providing the Internet accessibility to the people from municipalities, corporations and donating the cheap laptops to the poor are good ideas to solve the problem of getting people the knowledge of the Internet. We can’t change the whole world, but at least we could change it a little and that little is going to be lot for the people. People could be better than now. The Internet is the best source of knowledge. Everything could be possible for the people through the Internet. People could be satisfied with these ideas; they should go toward this direction, and it could be a better revolution in the world of the Internet.
Can a wicked website stop youth crime? (2003, May 13). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/3023199.stm
Can government control the Internet? (2000, January 29). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/623339.stm
Fried, I. (2008, April 8). Planting the seeds of change in rural Colombia, CNET News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://www.news.com/8301-13860_3-9913892-56.html
Get online and surf the web – for free! (n.d.). BBC.co.uk. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/coventry/features/stories/2002/12/free-internet-access.shtml
One learning child. One connected child. One laptop at a time. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2008, from http://www.laptopgiving.org/en/index.php
Paying the price for cheap broadband (2002, September 27). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2285207.stm
South Africa’s internet generation (2001, August 28). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/1513251.stm
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Internet revolutions
Welcome to the world of the Internet! Now the world is totally different and it is nothing like before. People found telephone, calculator, computer, and Internet, but what about the people who have no benefits of the Internet? This question is very important for humans and they have to think about it, because some people don’t have access to the Internet. I chose this topic, because I really want to know about the Internet world and its people. There are people who are using the Internet and people who are unable to use the Internet. How do people face life without the Internet? In this advanced world how many people are in the dark and how many are in the light? How is the Internet beneficial for people and their communication? However, in some parts of world, accessing computer is neither limited nor even available. This is the main problem that people are facing right now. People could have solutions to fight this problem. According to the article, “Get online and surf the web for free!” (n.d.), in BBC News, most places offer free internet access in some area (para. 4). This solution could work in a positive way. Moreover, the increases in the size of the Internet are also a challenge for people and some corporate companies; if they work togather and come up with new ideas, the world can solve the problem of limited access to the Internet.
People could develop their ideas, views and fundamental beliefs with the help of the Internet. First, some organizations should provide free or cheap computers in the rural areas, because they don’t even have enough money to buy computers. Second, some corporations should provide free Internet access to children or students. Finally, municipalities should provide mobile computing Internet accessibility in their towns. They should provide some free cyber cafe so people that don’t have computers can use them. In addition, the municipal commissioner, some private companies, and people could manage this planning, so they can make better decisions.
Firstly, some organizations should provide free or cheap computers in the rural areas, because they don’t even have enough money to buy computers. Imagine; if people don't have money to eat in a day, how can they buy computers? This is a big problem people are facing in rural areas. Some organizations should provide free or cheap laptops to the people who have this problem. For instance, according to the article, ”one learning child, one connected child, one laptop at a time” they are trying to provide a $100 laptop for every school-age child to make education better. People who can afford a few laptops they should donate a few laptops to the poor. One person could encourage other people to donate and they could solve the problem. Moreover, organizations should give some attractive offers to the donators, so they can attract them and come out to donate laptops. For example, organizations should advertise on television, on radio, on the Internet and in the newspaper, so people who are not aware of this organization have a chance to know and people might be attracted to the organization and they donate might some laptops. Just one person’s involvement could change the view of society.
Secondly, some corporations should provide free Internet access to the children or students. This could change the world’s perceptions. Some cell phone companies, government phone companies, and cable operators should provide free or cheap Internet access service to the students or children. For example, in India one of the government phone companies are providing broadband at a very cheap rate, so people can connect to the Internet very easily and cheaply, because they can afford money to access the Internet. Furthermore, some companies should introduce some discounts to get new connections. For illustration, companies should give them double offers; if people get the one connection of the Internet they will get another for free. This scheme might work with the neighbors, friends, and family. In addition, companies should deal with the schools, such as free one month Internet access or 50% discount and maybe students will get the benefits with these kinds of deals, because more schools could get connections to the Internet. People could have chance to get through to the Internet at a much cheaper price.
Finally, municipalities should provide mobile computing Internet accessibility in their towns. They should provide some free cyber café, so people that don’t have computers can use them. According to the article “South Africa’s Internet generation” (2001), “our target group are those kids who grow up hearing about the Internet who can’t get access to it” (Para. 6). The South African government is trying to provide some cyber café in some areas. Moreover, sometimes the government can avoid peoples’ opinion or suggestions. A Municipality is also part of the government and they also can make some decisions for their residents. For example, at election time some ministers come to the public to ask for votes. People are always smart and they know how to take advantage of the opportunity. People should talk to the municipal commissioner, and to the town’s ministers about to providing access to the Internet and building some new cyber café. People might get some cyber café and access to the Internet.
Some people argue children could have a bad effect because of the Internet. However, this is wrong, because every coin has two sides. Parents should be careful and they should take care of their children, because that's their responsibility. Parents should teach good things and manners to their children. Parents should have control of their children in their absence. For example, parents should disconnect the Internet service while they are going to work, so children could not browse some bad things on the Internet. This might be a safer way for the parents.
In conclusion, providing the Internet accessibility to the people from Municipalities, corporations and donating the cheap laptops to the poor are good ideas to solve the problem to getting the knowledge of the Internet. We can’t change the whole world, but at least we could change it a little and that little is going to be lot for the people. People could be better than now. The Internet is the best source of knowledge. Everything could be possible for the people through the Internet. People could be satisfied with these ideas, they should go toward this direction, and it could be a better revolution in the world of the Internet.
Can a wicked website stop youth crime? (2003, May 13). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/3023199.stm
Can government control the Internet? (2000, January 29). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/623339.stm
Fried, I. (2008, April 8). Planting the seeds of change in rural Colombia, CNET News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://www.news.com/8301-13860_3-9913892-56.html
Get online and surf the web – for free! (n.d.). BBC.co.uk. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/coventry/features/stories/2002/12/free-internet-access.shtml
One learning child. One connected child. One laptop at a time. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2008, from http://www.laptopgiving.org/en/index.php
Paying the price for cheap broadband (2002, September 27). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2285207.stm
South Africa’s internet generation (2001, August 28). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/1513251.stm
People could develop their ideas, views and fundamental beliefs with the help of the Internet. First, some organizations should provide free or cheap computers in the rural areas, because they don’t even have enough money to buy computers. Second, some corporations should provide free Internet access to children or students. Finally, municipalities should provide mobile computing Internet accessibility in their towns. They should provide some free cyber cafe so people that don’t have computers can use them. In addition, the municipal commissioner, some private companies, and people could manage this planning, so they can make better decisions.
Firstly, some organizations should provide free or cheap computers in the rural areas, because they don’t even have enough money to buy computers. Imagine; if people don't have money to eat in a day, how can they buy computers? This is a big problem people are facing in rural areas. Some organizations should provide free or cheap laptops to the people who have this problem. For instance, according to the article, ”one learning child, one connected child, one laptop at a time” they are trying to provide a $100 laptop for every school-age child to make education better. People who can afford a few laptops they should donate a few laptops to the poor. One person could encourage other people to donate and they could solve the problem. Moreover, organizations should give some attractive offers to the donators, so they can attract them and come out to donate laptops. For example, organizations should advertise on television, on radio, on the Internet and in the newspaper, so people who are not aware of this organization have a chance to know and people might be attracted to the organization and they donate might some laptops. Just one person’s involvement could change the view of society.
Secondly, some corporations should provide free Internet access to the children or students. This could change the world’s perceptions. Some cell phone companies, government phone companies, and cable operators should provide free or cheap Internet access service to the students or children. For example, in India one of the government phone companies are providing broadband at a very cheap rate, so people can connect to the Internet very easily and cheaply, because they can afford money to access the Internet. Furthermore, some companies should introduce some discounts to get new connections. For illustration, companies should give them double offers; if people get the one connection of the Internet they will get another for free. This scheme might work with the neighbors, friends, and family. In addition, companies should deal with the schools, such as free one month Internet access or 50% discount and maybe students will get the benefits with these kinds of deals, because more schools could get connections to the Internet. People could have chance to get through to the Internet at a much cheaper price.
Finally, municipalities should provide mobile computing Internet accessibility in their towns. They should provide some free cyber café, so people that don’t have computers can use them. According to the article “South Africa’s Internet generation” (2001), “our target group are those kids who grow up hearing about the Internet who can’t get access to it” (Para. 6). The South African government is trying to provide some cyber café in some areas. Moreover, sometimes the government can avoid peoples’ opinion or suggestions. A Municipality is also part of the government and they also can make some decisions for their residents. For example, at election time some ministers come to the public to ask for votes. People are always smart and they know how to take advantage of the opportunity. People should talk to the municipal commissioner, and to the town’s ministers about to providing access to the Internet and building some new cyber café. People might get some cyber café and access to the Internet.
Some people argue children could have a bad effect because of the Internet. However, this is wrong, because every coin has two sides. Parents should be careful and they should take care of their children, because that's their responsibility. Parents should teach good things and manners to their children. Parents should have control of their children in their absence. For example, parents should disconnect the Internet service while they are going to work, so children could not browse some bad things on the Internet. This might be a safer way for the parents.
In conclusion, providing the Internet accessibility to the people from Municipalities, corporations and donating the cheap laptops to the poor are good ideas to solve the problem to getting the knowledge of the Internet. We can’t change the whole world, but at least we could change it a little and that little is going to be lot for the people. People could be better than now. The Internet is the best source of knowledge. Everything could be possible for the people through the Internet. People could be satisfied with these ideas, they should go toward this direction, and it could be a better revolution in the world of the Internet.
Can a wicked website stop youth crime? (2003, May 13). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/3023199.stm
Can government control the Internet? (2000, January 29). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/623339.stm
Fried, I. (2008, April 8). Planting the seeds of change in rural Colombia, CNET News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://www.news.com/8301-13860_3-9913892-56.html
Get online and surf the web – for free! (n.d.). BBC.co.uk. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/coventry/features/stories/2002/12/free-internet-access.shtml
One learning child. One connected child. One laptop at a time. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2008, from http://www.laptopgiving.org/en/index.php
Paying the price for cheap broadband (2002, September 27). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2285207.stm
South Africa’s internet generation (2001, August 28). BBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/1513251.stm
Free Encyclopedia!!!
Search! What do you do to get some good information, which you really don't know? Maybe you will go to the Google or Yahoo search. After that you will definitely see in the top of your search, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is the magic of the Wikipedia website. Just type a single word and you will find thousands of the pieces of best information about that single word. Mostly people are using this website to find some articles. This is the best way to find some articles online.
Wikipedia is a big name in the world of the Internet’s encyclopedias. There are many benefits to accessing this encyclopedia. First, Wikipedia is good, because it’s totally free to access. Next, Wikipedia is easy to access for anyone. Last, Wikipedia is one of the most popular encyclopedias of the Internet.
First, Wikipedia is good, because it’s totally free to access. People who have some knowledge about a particular topic can go through the Wikipedia and post their article online on Wikipedia, because it’s free to access. For example, people who don't have money are not able to pay money for encyclopedia websites to post their article online, so people can access this one for free and they can get the benefits of showing their view and ideas. Furthermore, every person can get the free article from this website. According to Meredith Byers (2008), in the month of December 2006, around 38 million people got through the English edition of this site; it’s free to operate, and it’s very easy to find and mostly it comes on the top of the Google searches pages. For example, the Lexis Nexis database website charges thousands of dollars to access the website. Ordinary people can’t afford this amount, so they can’t get good information without money, but people can use Wikipedia and get the required information totally free. Free accessing of a website attracts more people to use it.
Next, Wikipedia is easy to access for anyone. It’s very easy to access, because people don’t have time to spend an hour searching the articles only, so Wikipedia is very fast and easy to access. People can type just a word for articles which they want to search for and they can get the lot of articles related to that search. For instance, if a student is searching from the article about The Indian Festivals, the student will get hundreds of festivals of India and also about its history, religions, manners, ceremony, specialty and much more. Students also find some good references related to that article. Moreover, anyone can write and edit any articles in Wikipedia at any time. “Wikipedia is an encyclopedia compiled by the voluntary contributions of hundreds of writers and editors. Anyone can write an article and post it to the Wikipedia: anyone else can come along later and edit the article. It’s kind of open, voluntary, work in progress. As such, it’s the most up-to-date encyclopedia you’ll find” (Lengel, 2006, para. 6). People have an easy way to search for their articles by Wikipedia.
Last, Wikipedia is one of the most popular encyclopedias of the Internet; if people search in Google or Yahoo, mostly Wikipedia will appear on the top of the research page. That means it’s very popular anyone people. There is too much information about the articles in Wikipedia. According to Nicole Martin (2008), every day 7% of all Internet users visit the Wikipedia site, which is. Day by day people use this website and its demand goes up. In addition, people using this website for their personal information. For example, some people don’t know the history of the United States of America, so they would like to know and they go to this website and they find some good information about their search. These people tell other people or send a link to them and they also use it for their personal use; in the end Wikipedia becomes more popular among these people.
In conclusion, Wikipedia is good, is easy to access for anyone, and is one of the most popular encyclopedias of the Internet. Wikipedia is the best source to search for articles online. People should use this website for their use. They can use it to get the main ideas or try to write in their own words or ideas for their academic papers. People also can use references for their research paper, because there are some good articles written by the authors, writers, scientists, doctors, professors, and famous people. People also can good sources to support their ideas about their information.
Byers, M. (2007, March 08). Controversy over use of Wikipedia in acadamic papers. The Smith College Sophian. Retrieved April 23, 2008, from http://media.www.smithsophian.com/media/storage/paper587/news/2007/03/08/news//Controversy.Over.Use.Of.Wikipedia.In.Academic.Paper.Arrives.At.Smith-2765409.shtml
Lengel, J. (2006, February 07). Teaching with technology. Power to Learn. Retrieved April 23, 2008, from http://www.powertolearn.com/articles/teaching_with_technology/article.shtml?ID=12
Martin, N (2008, January 21). Wikipedia clamp down on ‘unreliable’editors. Telegraph.co.uk. Retrieved April 23, 2008, from
Wikipedia is a big name in the world of the Internet’s encyclopedias. There are many benefits to accessing this encyclopedia. First, Wikipedia is good, because it’s totally free to access. Next, Wikipedia is easy to access for anyone. Last, Wikipedia is one of the most popular encyclopedias of the Internet.
First, Wikipedia is good, because it’s totally free to access. People who have some knowledge about a particular topic can go through the Wikipedia and post their article online on Wikipedia, because it’s free to access. For example, people who don't have money are not able to pay money for encyclopedia websites to post their article online, so people can access this one for free and they can get the benefits of showing their view and ideas. Furthermore, every person can get the free article from this website. According to Meredith Byers (2008), in the month of December 2006, around 38 million people got through the English edition of this site; it’s free to operate, and it’s very easy to find and mostly it comes on the top of the Google searches pages. For example, the Lexis Nexis database website charges thousands of dollars to access the website. Ordinary people can’t afford this amount, so they can’t get good information without money, but people can use Wikipedia and get the required information totally free. Free accessing of a website attracts more people to use it.
Next, Wikipedia is easy to access for anyone. It’s very easy to access, because people don’t have time to spend an hour searching the articles only, so Wikipedia is very fast and easy to access. People can type just a word for articles which they want to search for and they can get the lot of articles related to that search. For instance, if a student is searching from the article about The Indian Festivals, the student will get hundreds of festivals of India and also about its history, religions, manners, ceremony, specialty and much more. Students also find some good references related to that article. Moreover, anyone can write and edit any articles in Wikipedia at any time. “Wikipedia is an encyclopedia compiled by the voluntary contributions of hundreds of writers and editors. Anyone can write an article and post it to the Wikipedia: anyone else can come along later and edit the article. It’s kind of open, voluntary, work in progress. As such, it’s the most up-to-date encyclopedia you’ll find” (Lengel, 2006, para. 6). People have an easy way to search for their articles by Wikipedia.
Last, Wikipedia is one of the most popular encyclopedias of the Internet; if people search in Google or Yahoo, mostly Wikipedia will appear on the top of the research page. That means it’s very popular anyone people. There is too much information about the articles in Wikipedia. According to Nicole Martin (2008), every day 7% of all Internet users visit the Wikipedia site, which is. Day by day people use this website and its demand goes up. In addition, people using this website for their personal information. For example, some people don’t know the history of the United States of America, so they would like to know and they go to this website and they find some good information about their search. These people tell other people or send a link to them and they also use it for their personal use; in the end Wikipedia becomes more popular among these people.
In conclusion, Wikipedia is good, is easy to access for anyone, and is one of the most popular encyclopedias of the Internet. Wikipedia is the best source to search for articles online. People should use this website for their use. They can use it to get the main ideas or try to write in their own words or ideas for their academic papers. People also can use references for their research paper, because there are some good articles written by the authors, writers, scientists, doctors, professors, and famous people. People also can good sources to support their ideas about their information.
Byers, M. (2007, March 08). Controversy over use of Wikipedia in acadamic papers. The Smith College Sophian. Retrieved April 23, 2008, from http://media.www.smithsophian.com/media/storage/paper587/news/2007/03/08/news//Controversy.Over.Use.Of.Wikipedia.In.Academic.Paper.Arrives.At.Smith-2765409.shtml
Lengel, J. (2006, February 07). Teaching with technology. Power to Learn. Retrieved April 23, 2008, from http://www.powertolearn.com/articles/teaching_with_technology/article.shtml?ID=12
Martin, N (2008, January 21). Wikipedia clamp down on ‘unreliable’editors. Telegraph.co.uk. Retrieved April 23, 2008, from
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tired from more Internet access!
According to the article “Intelligence data pulled from websites” (2001), there were a lot of important websites taken out from the Internet after the attacks of the 11th of September. The government was awakened and it took safety steps against these websites. Private companies who have such kinds of websites also removed the information, which could create danger for the people from terrorism. The National Imagery and Mapping agency has removed the maps, which have a high-resolution, from the websites. Some of the private companies also have some other helpful information, so they are also taking steps. Other informative data has been removed, which could help the enemies; however, there is still some data available online, which can help terrorism.
There are three problems caused by increasing use of the Internet. More use of the Internet is hazardous for youth. More use of the Internet is hazardous for the world and its people. More use of the Internet creates some problems with our computers.
First, more use of the Internet is hazardous for the youth. Nowadays usually people have computers and the Internet at home. Children could misuse the Internet absence of their parents at home, for example, by watching the blue film or other adult movies or clips, which can be illegal for them. Parents should be careful about this unknown fact. For instance, parents should teach good manners to their children. They should tell something about sex education by themselves only, so they don’t need to go on websites and surf more with the peers. Moreover, sometimes children tend to go in the direction of crime. Aloneness is the main factor to get this bad habit, so parents should spend some time with their children. This will help to improve them as well as to learn some new things. Instead of more use of the Internet, if children spend their time in their study or with their parents, it will good for them and for society too.
Second, more use of the Internet is hazardous for the world and its people. Crime and criminals have long hands. They can reach anywhere through the Internet. Terrorism is one of the major factors. The government should not publish all the important information about their countries. For example, in 2001 there was an attack by terrorism on the World Trade Center in the United States. Terrorists can get all information through the Internet, so government should pull out all their data from the websites. In addition, it could be very harmful for enemy countries. For example, terrorists could target a particular city or state or building and they can explode it, so the government should not put all detailed information about everything that can be useful to the terrorist. On the other side if the web information is necessary, it shouldn’t be in high resolution on the Internet. It might be prevent terrorism.
Third, more use of the Internet creates some problems with our computers. There are some people who are very good with the computer software, so sometimes they can hack our computer through the Internet. This is the major problem with computer that people are facing right now. People should limit access of the Internet. For example, people shouldn’t be on the Internet all the time even if it is not required. Moreover, people should not buy the computer if they don’t want it. For example, all people don’t require a car because they can use the bus, train or other transportation services, so that is not necessary for them; in such a way, those who don’t require computer should not buy a computer, so people can limit access to the Internet.
More use of the Internet is very dangerous for the teenagers, and for the world, and it might create a problem with peoples’ computers. People don’t want any kind of problems in their lives anymore; however, we can’t change this statement, because it is not in our hand, but somehow we can prove it and we can do it with the help of the people to work out this problem.
Intelligence data pulled from websites (2001, October 5). BBC News. Retrieved March 29, 2008, from http://http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1580863.stm
There are three problems caused by increasing use of the Internet. More use of the Internet is hazardous for youth. More use of the Internet is hazardous for the world and its people. More use of the Internet creates some problems with our computers.
First, more use of the Internet is hazardous for the youth. Nowadays usually people have computers and the Internet at home. Children could misuse the Internet absence of their parents at home, for example, by watching the blue film or other adult movies or clips, which can be illegal for them. Parents should be careful about this unknown fact. For instance, parents should teach good manners to their children. They should tell something about sex education by themselves only, so they don’t need to go on websites and surf more with the peers. Moreover, sometimes children tend to go in the direction of crime. Aloneness is the main factor to get this bad habit, so parents should spend some time with their children. This will help to improve them as well as to learn some new things. Instead of more use of the Internet, if children spend their time in their study or with their parents, it will good for them and for society too.
Second, more use of the Internet is hazardous for the world and its people. Crime and criminals have long hands. They can reach anywhere through the Internet. Terrorism is one of the major factors. The government should not publish all the important information about their countries. For example, in 2001 there was an attack by terrorism on the World Trade Center in the United States. Terrorists can get all information through the Internet, so government should pull out all their data from the websites. In addition, it could be very harmful for enemy countries. For example, terrorists could target a particular city or state or building and they can explode it, so the government should not put all detailed information about everything that can be useful to the terrorist. On the other side if the web information is necessary, it shouldn’t be in high resolution on the Internet. It might be prevent terrorism.
Third, more use of the Internet creates some problems with our computers. There are some people who are very good with the computer software, so sometimes they can hack our computer through the Internet. This is the major problem with computer that people are facing right now. People should limit access of the Internet. For example, people shouldn’t be on the Internet all the time even if it is not required. Moreover, people should not buy the computer if they don’t want it. For example, all people don’t require a car because they can use the bus, train or other transportation services, so that is not necessary for them; in such a way, those who don’t require computer should not buy a computer, so people can limit access to the Internet.
More use of the Internet is very dangerous for the teenagers, and for the world, and it might create a problem with peoples’ computers. People don’t want any kind of problems in their lives anymore; however, we can’t change this statement, because it is not in our hand, but somehow we can prove it and we can do it with the help of the people to work out this problem.
Intelligence data pulled from websites (2001, October 5). BBC News. Retrieved March 29, 2008, from http://http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1580863.stm
Monday, March 31, 2008
New Technology Rights
According to B. Steel (2007), rural areas have a lack of technology and other advanced facilities. First, rural areas’ farmers need some advanced technology and wireless facilities for their expediency and protection. Second, the Universal Service Fund has some problems to provide service in rural areas. Third, family farmers and people who have small businesses also require telephone services. With the help of the provision of good services and some free competitive markets allowing good competition between the markets, people should have the chance to get benefits from them.
World population is mounting and use of computer is also thriving now. The most important part of computer is access to the Internet and use of its facility in a proper way. Government should provide Internet facilities to all students of rural areas. They should provide Internet facilities to all farmers, and they should provide Internet facilities to rural people protect them from natural disasters.
First, the government should provide Internet facilities to all students of rural areas. Students are the future of the world. With the help of the Internet and computers, students of rural areas can have the chance to know the digital world. Rural areas’ students also have dreams, and they can also be scientists, doctors, or Engineers with the best knowledge of advanced study, and Internet facilities will help them to gain their knowledge. For example, if government provides some free computers with high-speed Internet access in rural areas, poor students will have the chance to learn computer. In addition, government should provide some scholarship to students for computer study and related things, such as multimedia, Computer programming, computer electronics, and computer science, so they also can have make a bright future. Not only are the urban areas’ students smart but also people should look forward to the rural areas’ people, so that is about giving equal opportunity. With the help of the Internet as well as the use of new technology, dreams become true for students of rural areas.
Next, government should provide Internet facilities to all farmers. Farming is the most important part of our economy. Most people depend on agriculture. Farmers need some advanced technology to develop their farming practices. Most rural areas’ farmers don’t know what Internet is or how it is beneficial to them. If government provides some computers with high-speed Internet access so they can know more about the farming. For example, with the help of the Internet they can have a chance to know new agriculture practices; they can have the chance to know how to prevent soil erosion because some of the agricultural developers or researchers have their own web sites and information so they can get free knowledge from the Internet. Moreover, the government should provide a person who can teach how to use Internet and computers. Some people don’t know how to use it, so if there is a person who knows about it, he can teach them and farmers can use it in the same way. This Internet facility can solve the farming problems and it will help people a lot.
Finally, government should provide Internet facilities to protect people from natural disasters. Urban areas have most of the advance facilities, and they know how to use them; on the other hand, people in rural areas don’t even know what they are? World is facing so many problems from disasters such as earthquakes, tornados, wildfires, floods, and droughts. Urban areas’ people can know before the disaster, because of the satellite and accessing the Internet, but what about poor people who live in rural areas? If government provides some equipment, which can predict future disasters, they can save their lives, houses, and animals. For instance, before the forecast they can have a chance to know about future disasters, so they can make some decision before the disasters, and they can move to another place with the help of the other people. Furthermore, they should also provide some cyber cafe in their area so they can go there and access Internet and know more about how to protect themselves from natural disasters.
Last, I would like to conclude that government should provide Internet facilities to all students of rural area, to all farmers, and to protect them from natural disasters. All people should have rights to access Internet facilities, not just only in urban areas but also in rural areas. Accessing Internet service is more beneficial to all people. It also will help to improve peoples’ knowledge about the advanced world.
Steel, B. (2007, June 11). Limiting wireless access: proposal threatens rural areas. The Washington Times. Retrieved March 26, 2008, from LexisNexis Database.
World population is mounting and use of computer is also thriving now. The most important part of computer is access to the Internet and use of its facility in a proper way. Government should provide Internet facilities to all students of rural areas. They should provide Internet facilities to all farmers, and they should provide Internet facilities to rural people protect them from natural disasters.
First, the government should provide Internet facilities to all students of rural areas. Students are the future of the world. With the help of the Internet and computers, students of rural areas can have the chance to know the digital world. Rural areas’ students also have dreams, and they can also be scientists, doctors, or Engineers with the best knowledge of advanced study, and Internet facilities will help them to gain their knowledge. For example, if government provides some free computers with high-speed Internet access in rural areas, poor students will have the chance to learn computer. In addition, government should provide some scholarship to students for computer study and related things, such as multimedia, Computer programming, computer electronics, and computer science, so they also can have make a bright future. Not only are the urban areas’ students smart but also people should look forward to the rural areas’ people, so that is about giving equal opportunity. With the help of the Internet as well as the use of new technology, dreams become true for students of rural areas.
Next, government should provide Internet facilities to all farmers. Farming is the most important part of our economy. Most people depend on agriculture. Farmers need some advanced technology to develop their farming practices. Most rural areas’ farmers don’t know what Internet is or how it is beneficial to them. If government provides some computers with high-speed Internet access so they can know more about the farming. For example, with the help of the Internet they can have a chance to know new agriculture practices; they can have the chance to know how to prevent soil erosion because some of the agricultural developers or researchers have their own web sites and information so they can get free knowledge from the Internet. Moreover, the government should provide a person who can teach how to use Internet and computers. Some people don’t know how to use it, so if there is a person who knows about it, he can teach them and farmers can use it in the same way. This Internet facility can solve the farming problems and it will help people a lot.
Finally, government should provide Internet facilities to protect people from natural disasters. Urban areas have most of the advance facilities, and they know how to use them; on the other hand, people in rural areas don’t even know what they are? World is facing so many problems from disasters such as earthquakes, tornados, wildfires, floods, and droughts. Urban areas’ people can know before the disaster, because of the satellite and accessing the Internet, but what about poor people who live in rural areas? If government provides some equipment, which can predict future disasters, they can save their lives, houses, and animals. For instance, before the forecast they can have a chance to know about future disasters, so they can make some decision before the disasters, and they can move to another place with the help of the other people. Furthermore, they should also provide some cyber cafe in their area so they can go there and access Internet and know more about how to protect themselves from natural disasters.
Last, I would like to conclude that government should provide Internet facilities to all students of rural area, to all farmers, and to protect them from natural disasters. All people should have rights to access Internet facilities, not just only in urban areas but also in rural areas. Accessing Internet service is more beneficial to all people. It also will help to improve peoples’ knowledge about the advanced world.
Steel, B. (2007, June 11). Limiting wireless access: proposal threatens rural areas. The Washington Times. Retrieved March 26, 2008, from LexisNexis Database.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Try to get new freedom of information technology
Ankit Shah
EAP2 – B
According to J. Twist (2005), the world’s major countrys’ governments got together and made decisions about trying to close a gap of technology between rich and poor countries with little funding. First, all people should have rights of freedom to get information. On the other hand, China government says that we want safety from economic cheating, crime, terrorism and other harmful acts from other states Second, all people should have rights of freedom to say what they want to their government. Third, all people should have chance to share the information with others. Everyone not agree that information technology is not a big problem but there were no solid worldwide rules that all countries could follow.
The digital world is skyrocketing and countries are booming in technology. Information technology has taken a best place in human life. Most people are depending on this technological world, but there are some gaps and controversies in information technology between the people and their government. They state that all people should have rights of freedom to get information, rights of freedom to say what they want, and a chance to share the information with their government.
First, all people should have rights of freedom to get information, but according to J. Twist (2005), the US delegation says that the Tunisian government did not take benefits of information technology. Information is based on expressing the things to others and better communicating with each other. For example, richer people have a major source of money and people with these sources they can have a better country. A poorer people should take the chance to contact with other richer or more developed countries so they can have a chance to get more information so government could send all required information to the people. In addition, other richer or developed countries’ people should help to other less developed countries’ people so they can be a better in information technology. For example, the United States, India, and China should support other countries that are less developed. Freedom to get information can change the world.
Second, all people should have rights of freedom to say what they want. Some people are afraid to say something to their government. That means they have fear of destruction. For example, most countries have fear of other enemy countries and most of the major crime is done on the Internet, such as economic cheating, crime, terrorism and other harmful acts from other states. Some countries want some safety from the Internet, which can go against them. Moreover, governments should be careful of other countries. A powerful country can attack weak countries and in the end it will affect our economy.
Third, all people should have a chance to share the information with others. Less developed countrys’ governments should come and talk about their problems so other countries can understand and take some decision for them. For example some country doesn’t have any information about the technological world and they are unable to show us their abilities. Maybe they don’t have enough money or manpower to do so. If they express their view without fear of anyone, other people can understand their problems and try to solve them. Moreover, rich have several computers and poor don’t have computers, so they cannot use computers. They don’t even know about the technology and its benefits. For example, some big companies hire some low laborer and they pay less to them. In India there are many children laborers, who are working instead of going to school. They don’t even know about the outside world. Government should provide some benefits and take steps against these systems. Richer countries also should provide some loans to help other countries so they can at least invest in information technology and gain their knowledge.
Last, I would like to conclude that all people should a have a chance to get knowledge, without the fear they should have the chance to say something that they really want to say, and all people should have the chance to express their feelings without any fear. Information technology has more benefits, so everyone should take it positively. It will help to close a gap between people and their government.
Twist, J. (2005, November 18). Controversy blights UN net
summit. BBC News. Retrieved March 19, 2008, from
EAP2 – B
According to J. Twist (2005), the world’s major countrys’ governments got together and made decisions about trying to close a gap of technology between rich and poor countries with little funding. First, all people should have rights of freedom to get information. On the other hand, China government says that we want safety from economic cheating, crime, terrorism and other harmful acts from other states Second, all people should have rights of freedom to say what they want to their government. Third, all people should have chance to share the information with others. Everyone not agree that information technology is not a big problem but there were no solid worldwide rules that all countries could follow.
The digital world is skyrocketing and countries are booming in technology. Information technology has taken a best place in human life. Most people are depending on this technological world, but there are some gaps and controversies in information technology between the people and their government. They state that all people should have rights of freedom to get information, rights of freedom to say what they want, and a chance to share the information with their government.
First, all people should have rights of freedom to get information, but according to J. Twist (2005), the US delegation says that the Tunisian government did not take benefits of information technology. Information is based on expressing the things to others and better communicating with each other. For example, richer people have a major source of money and people with these sources they can have a better country. A poorer people should take the chance to contact with other richer or more developed countries so they can have a chance to get more information so government could send all required information to the people. In addition, other richer or developed countries’ people should help to other less developed countries’ people so they can be a better in information technology. For example, the United States, India, and China should support other countries that are less developed. Freedom to get information can change the world.
Second, all people should have rights of freedom to say what they want. Some people are afraid to say something to their government. That means they have fear of destruction. For example, most countries have fear of other enemy countries and most of the major crime is done on the Internet, such as economic cheating, crime, terrorism and other harmful acts from other states. Some countries want some safety from the Internet, which can go against them. Moreover, governments should be careful of other countries. A powerful country can attack weak countries and in the end it will affect our economy.
Third, all people should have a chance to share the information with others. Less developed countrys’ governments should come and talk about their problems so other countries can understand and take some decision for them. For example some country doesn’t have any information about the technological world and they are unable to show us their abilities. Maybe they don’t have enough money or manpower to do so. If they express their view without fear of anyone, other people can understand their problems and try to solve them. Moreover, rich have several computers and poor don’t have computers, so they cannot use computers. They don’t even know about the technology and its benefits. For example, some big companies hire some low laborer and they pay less to them. In India there are many children laborers, who are working instead of going to school. They don’t even know about the outside world. Government should provide some benefits and take steps against these systems. Richer countries also should provide some loans to help other countries so they can at least invest in information technology and gain their knowledge.
Last, I would like to conclude that all people should a have a chance to get knowledge, without the fear they should have the chance to say something that they really want to say, and all people should have the chance to express their feelings without any fear. Information technology has more benefits, so everyone should take it positively. It will help to close a gap between people and their government.
Twist, J. (2005, November 18). Controversy blights UN net
summit. BBC News. Retrieved March 19, 2008, from
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Delicious South Indian dish

Mouth watering? Cooking and eating are one of my favorite hobbies. I would like to eat with my family members while chatting with each other. We take our meal very traditionally. We don’t have a dining table at our home, so we sit together on the floor. It’s very traditional Indian style to have lunch or dinner. Indians believe that having meals with all family members together will make our relations much stronger. My family members can share bad or good experiences with each other, which they had during the day.
My favorite dinner is a South Indian dinner with my family members. It includes so many dishes such as sambhar, masala dosa, coconut chutney, garlic chutney, and curd. Sambhar is one kind of curry, which is made from beans. Masala Dosa is one kind of fried bread, which is made from rice flour. Coconut chutney is sweet in taste and garlic chutney is very spicy in taste. It is very healthy food, which is very delicious and spicy. I know how to cook this dish, so sometimes I make this dish for my family, and it is very good to cook sometimes. It makes me very happy while my family members are eating food which I made for them.
Image from Anna Haight at http://mtkilimonjaro.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html.
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